Npm config set prefix usr local
Npm config set prefix usr local

npm config set prefix usr local npm config set prefix usr local

The file you use should depends on the parameter and scope you're wanting to set. Built-in npm config file: /path/to/npm/npmrc.Per-project config file: /path/to/my/project/.npmrc.The four locations where the files may reside are: Npm allows you to use a few different rc files, much like ~/.bashrc, to set your configurations. Depending on your use-case, utilize the different purposed for things like testing, project-specific configuration, global configuration, etc. Unless otherwise noted, all of the parameters below can be set through a few different methods, each of which I'll describe briefly here. I'll also be adding examples of some of the more confusing parameters, so if you know how to use some of the more undocumented options, like searchopts, I'd love to see an example! Setting Parameters Hopefully that way if the help docs confuse you (or don't have enough information), my description will give some more insight in to whatever you're looking for. I ended up learning a lot about npm that will help me out a bunch in the future.įor the most part, I tried to write up a unique description of each parameter (different from the help docs). Not only do I think this could be helpful to the readers, but it was extremely helpful to me to look through all the different flags/parameters and to actually test them out. After reading some of the help documentation recently, I thought it would be helpful to write up details on as many of the npm configurations as possible. Throughout my use of Node, I only ever knew the basic npm commands like save, install, and publish, and even then I didn't really know the optional parameters that went along with them. Package management can really make or break a language, so ensuring that it is easy to use and flexible is extremely important. The Node Package Manager, or npm, is one of the best parts about Node, in my opinion.

Npm config set prefix usr local